“I need to improve my computer skills. Where do I start?”

As a Learning & Development Coordinator, one of the most challenging questions is get asked is about computer skills. “Coco,” my colleagues will say, “I’m no good with computers. I want to improve.“ Or: “I’ve just completed a one to one with one of my staff members, and they would like some support to develop their IT skills. Can you help?”

Of course. I can always help. But this type of request is among the most complex ones I receive (and therefore, in my opinion, one of the most interesting ones). Read on to find out why!

100 Days of Coding: What I’ve Learned

I don’t believe in saving new year’s resolutions for the new year, so a few months ago I embarked on a little experiment. At the time I’d been learning how to code on and off for a while, but I felt I needed a bit of a push to take my learning to the next level. I decided on a simple approach: to practice coding every day for 100 days. I didn’t set myself any time limits, so one some days I only practised for five minutes, while on others I spent well over an hour and a half getting to grips with various programming languages. I’ve now met my goal (yay!) and while I still consider myself a beginner, my skills have improved significantly. Here’s a brief overview of what I’ve learned.