Conferencing Goes Digital: Some Thoughts on Virtual Academia

After everything else I had planned for this Spring got cancelled, I was delighted to be offered the opportunity to present at the BAAS Digital Dialogues series. Basically a virtual version of the BAAS Annual Conference, which was due to run in Liverpool in April this year, the Digital Dialogues allow academics to share their ideas in a virtual environment to benefit from each other’s feedback and generate new ideas.

Resources for Independent Scholars: Some Ideas

If you lose your university affiliation because you are between contracts – and who hasn’t been in that situation at some point? – you may find yourself in academic limbo. With papers to write and research to do but no access to the databases and journals you need to do it with. Luckily, there are ways to work around this. I’m sharing some of my finds for everyone’s benefit and enjoyment.

#research #altac #postac